In the immortal words of the Muppets, I've got a type of cabin fever... I'm just not on a ship. Our apartment is very similar, however, if you consider the cramped quarters, constant rumbles of noise, and never-ending cycle of practicum, studying, and not enough sleep.
Therefore, please understand the need to change something, ANYTHING, in my life right now. Because I don't really have enough money to go on an extended vacay, can't really afford to switch out my entire wardrobe, and kind of HAVE to study to graduate and get licensed, so instead I decided to operate within smaller realms within my control. I have been playing with the hair straightener. :)
I'd also like to point out that the hair straigthener officially made me a girl. This picture was taken on Sunday right before we went to the grocery store. The conversation went something like this: "Honey, I'd like to go to the store. Wanna come?" "Yeah! Just give me 1/2 an hour..." After an hour and a half, I was ready to go. I've heard this is typically what girls do, and Jeff, God bless him, did not say one word about the time difference. :)
I also got to take a mini-vacay this weekend to meet my folks at the VA in Wichita. Dad had to have some check ups done and had appointments on Friday and Monday, so I made the journey down to be with them. Although the trip wasn't as long as I'd hoped it to be (they ended up leaving earlier than intended), it was still great to see them and get away from studying for a bit!
As you can see, the weather was beautiful and the days were sunny. I also got to see my parents, which made the weekend all that much better. :) When I got back, because I got back a little earlier than we'd planned on me being home, I was planning to play a prank on Jeff. I planned to call when I was near home to see if he was at the apartment or not. If not, I was going to turn on lights, TV, and start a load of laundry (after which I would promptly leave and walk around the mall for a few hours). Alas, though, he pulled into the parking lot right after me, and my hilarious plot was foiled. All in all, it was still a good weekend, even if I didn't get an opportunity to try to convince Jeff our apartment was haunted. :)
1 comment:
Man!!! Jeff you should have stayed away just a little longer! Heather and I worked hard on that plan! ...oh well there's always next time.... :)
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